I.                   Open – Betsy G and Terri V


Betsy opened the meeting with a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer. She recognized past Delegates Paul M and Mike D; Joanie M and Eva S from GSO; and Gary K, Southwest Regional Trustee. Terri read the preamble to the SETA Policies and Procedures Manual.


II.                District Count – Terri V















































III.             Approval of October 3, 2004 Area Assembly Minutes – Emily McF


Minutes were approved as read.


IV.              Treasurer’s Report – Barbara C


The first page of the report is a simple summary of where we stand. The second page shows the detail of income/outgoing. The last pages are a listing by group of contribution. Beginning 2004 we had a balance of $40,006.17. At the end of the year we had a balance of $31,249.73. We had net expenses of $8,756.44. We had more going out than we had coming in. The middle of the first page shows how much of our money we set aside and do not touch for ordinary operating expenses, leaving $6,900.53 operating funds at the end of 2004.


V.                 Delegate’s Report – Charles P


I want to thank Paul M, Past Delegate, for all the help he’s given me in getting jump started into this position, along with Gary K and many others. Yesterday morning Gus and I asked for an impromptu DCM/Delegate sharing session. Quite a few people showed up, and it gave us an opportunity to get to know each other so we can work together. One of the things that came from that is District 10 is in need of a 12-step call. Several years ago District 10 was floundering. The Area sent representatives to District 10 groups to help them get organized again, and District 10 was revitalized. It seems to have gone into remission again, and through the DCM/Delegate Sharing Session we have several representatives from other districts that have agreed to go to District 10 groups and help them get active again.


We identified some changes to the website that needed to be done. Some forms could not be downloaded. The Registrar was also at the meeting and identified some problems getting her information updated for the Area and GSO.


The preliminary agenda for the April 2005 General Service Conference in New York is out. I e-mailed copies to the DCMs so they could get it out to the GSRs. It is also out in Spanish. We’ll discuss the final agenda in depth at the April Assembly so I’ll have information to take with me for the conference. I’ve been assigned to the Report Charter Committee as part of my responsibility, which includes the AA Service Manual, the AA Directory and on-line meetings.


Last year our area approved $300 for the SW Regional Hospitality Room at the 2005 International Convention in Canada. Someone from this area is needed to coordinate people to help with the hospitality room.


The issue of the paper used for the Service Manual was brought up last year, but it will not be an agenda item at the conference. The format of the manual is not the responsibility of the Conference. It was given to the Publications Manager. They decided to put the Service Manual back to its original form for 2005-6.


The Texas State Convention 2005 will be in Dallas. I’ve given flyers to Jamie G, SCAP Chair, so she can get them out. The Texas State Convention 2006 will be held here in Houston on June 9-11. We will be electing someone to be the Chair for this convention in April.


GSO is requesting Spanish-speaking people in this area submit their personal stories for the Spanish Big Book. If you need any help in submitting your story, please call me.


VI.              Alternate Delegate’s Report – Gus H


I am truly honored to reporting to you as your Alternate Delegate. The three areas I’m spending most of my time in now are: finishing up with SWRAASA, getting things going on the Gratitude dinner, and re-establishing contact with District 10.


It is time to get things going on the Gratitude Dinner. I’ve talked with several Districts this weekend and my goal is to have a host District selected this month. Hopefully by April we can have everything in motion.


Charles and I both plan to visit every District at least once this year. We have already scheduled visits with most Districts between now and August. If there is anything special you would like for me to help with, give me a call. I’m here to serve you.


VII.           SETA 2005 Convention – Brian R


I’ve had the privilege of being Co-Chair for the 2005 SETA Convention, and I’ve had an amazing time this weekend. The final registration count is 1,571 people:  1,330 AA’s, 104 Alanons, 22 Alateens, and through the graciousness of this Area we were able to provide 116 scholarships.


VIII.        State of the Region – Gary K


The continuing challenge in all areas is to encourage and support GSRs and DCMs to show up and participate in the process. We operate by Conference process. The number one responsibility of any area assembly is to elect and support financially the Delegate to the General Service Conference.


On Saturday morning at the International the SW Region will be hosting a meeting with a topic on service. Loretta T will be representing this area.


On Thanksgiving weekend the Spiritual Homecoming will be held in St. Louis. It’s a celebration of “AA Comes of Age” in St. Louis. There will be archival displays from Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.


On the whole, AA in the Southwest Region is alive and well. One of the best examples of that is in the participation of this group at SWRAASA. This is a great way to get introduced to Regional Service, and to meet people across the lines in other areas that might have great ways of doing a particular service in their area that could benefit you. The Region is a very effective way of increasing communication of one area to another in the hope that we might help carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the alcoholic that still suffers. At the end of the day, that has to be what this is all about.


If you’re going to take the time to ask a question, I need to take the time to give you the answer. I am available if you have any questions.


IX.              Roll Call – June C (Please see attached)


X.                 SWRAASA Report – Gus H


SWRAASA was a tremendous success. Many thanks to Robin and the Committee, and everyone who participated. The commitment and enthusiasm demonstrated by so many people is truly inspiring. Attendance was over 1,000. I’ve had no negative feedback from anyone, other than it will be a tough act to follow. We’re about two weeks away from finishing the workshop transcripts. Once the bills are paid, and everything is copied and mailed, we should be able to close out the books and prepare a final financial report. Right now it looks like we will have a few dollars left from the $5,000 the Area contributed two years ago. We’ve already forwarded the $1,500 seed money to Kansas, who will be the host Area in 2006. Over the next few weeks I will be putting a package together of all our records to help them get started. I’m truly grateful to have been given the opportunity to serve on the SWRAASA Committee. I thank you all for making it a great success.



XI.              Roll Call for Voting – June C


One hundred seven (107) voting members were present. Seventy one (71) = 2/3 majority.


XII.           Election of Multilingual Committee


Postponed to April Assembly


XIII.        Election of a Liaison to Spanish Intergroup


Postponed to April Assembly.


XIV.        Election of Liaison to the 9th District Intergroup


Chris P was elected by acclimation.


XV.           Election of Representative to the International Convention Hospitality Suite Committee


Debra R was elected by acclimation.


XVI.        Motion to split District 66 into two districts


Motion was approved to split district 66. The new district will be District 63.


XVII.     Finance Committee Report – David H


The CPC Committee has requested additional funds be added to their 2005 budget. They have moved the monthly meeting to a new location where they will be paying for meeting space. The Finance Committee makes the following recommendation:  “The Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee’s 2005 Budget be increased by $120 for facility rent.” Motion was approved.


The Area Treasurer has moved $5,000 from the restricted fund to the unrestricted fund. This was monies set aside for the 2004 SWRAASA that were not used.


During the October Assembly a motion was passed to purchase a new laptop computer with software for the Registrar. The computer was purchased for $1,178.32.


In November the Public Information Committee requested additional funds for their 2004 budget. These funds were needed to purchase literature for presentations and health fares that they were invited to attend. It was agreed to increase the budget by $300 to cover these expenses.


The 2005 SETA Convention Committee made two requests for funds to cover expenses for the convention this weekend. Advances were made in the amounts of $2,000 and $2,700.


A tentative date has been set for the annual Area Budget meeting. We will be preparing the 2006 budget to be presented at the April assembly. The date for this meeting is March 5th (Saturday). All Area Officers and Standing Committee Chairs need to attend with their budget requests ready. I have been given three possible locations to hold the meeting. As soon as we have a location verified I will inform everyone of the place and time.


XVIII.  Website Committee – Penny W


There are numerous changes with the website in regards to newly elected people in their respective positions.  John S. designed a new contact page for emailing the positions within SETA before he turned everything over to me. This is a good  methodology for handling emails from the site.  If anyone finds and error or a change not made within the website or contact email list, please contact me with the changes and I'll get the changes made as soon as I can.  I anticipate the possibility of changing the software which maintains the website in order to grow as we go. You can reach me at Please contact me if you have any questions. With Service in Mind,  Penny


XIX.        Workshops – Betsy G


We will be having two workshops at the April Assembly. We’ve had a request for a workshop on the Conference theme, The Home Group, with an emphasis on carrying the message. Are we carrying our message or are we carrying AA’s message. Bonita W will be chairing that workshop. Also we will have a workshop on SWRAASA from the people who attended to report their experience, what they learned, and how it will benefit them to better perform their jobs.


XX.           New Business – Betsy G


District 32 volunteered to be host district for the next Gratitude Dinner.




XXI.        Announcements – Terry V


Yesterday three districts requested Betsy and I visit them. We would love to come visit your district. We want to learn what your district is doing and if we can help in any way, so please invite us. The Committees eligible for suites in April are: CFC, Finance and Grapevine. The host district for the April Assembly is District 51. The contract with the Clarion is up at the end of 2005. I’ve formed a committee of representatives from all areas in 67. Our committee members are: David S, Cynthia B, Paul M and Tandy B. We’ll be working on a contract for 2006-07. We’ll submit our findings to you in April to vote. The dates for the Assemblies for 2005 are:  April 9-10, July 9-10, and October 15-16.


Ø      SETA Correctional Conference Planning meeting will be held Sunday, January 23, 2005, 2:00 pm at the Clarion.

Ø      Annual District 33 Unity Conference will be February 18-20 at the KC Hall in Bryan Texas.

Ø      18th Annual HCYPAA will be July 15-17 at the Hyatt Regency, 1200 Louisiana.

Ø      24th Annual 9th District Conference in Beaumont will be held August 19-21.

Ø      Texas State Convention, Dallas TX, August 19-21.


XXII.     Close – Betsy G


We closed in the usual manner.





Respectfully submitted,

Emily McF



SETA Secretary















Area Actions




·        Motion to split District 66 into two districts, to be called District 63 and District 66. Motion carried.

·        Finance Committee Recommendation to increase the CPC Committee’s budget for 2005 by $120.00. Motion carried.

·        Chris P was elected at District 90 Liaison to SETA.

·        Debra R was elected SETA representative to the International Convention Hospitality Suite Committee

·        Tabled elections for Multilingual Chairperson and Liaison to Spanish Intergroup until the April 2005 Assembly.