All motions of the South East Texas Area are listed in the All Categories table.  Following the All Categories table is a list of Categories with corresponding tables.  These Categories tables are included to provide a quick reference to some of the more frequently used subject matters dealing with Assembly business.  The category titled "Significant Events & Dates" has been included as a historical reference table.
The Motions from March 2014 through April 2022 have recently been added, but have not yet been categorized.  We believe it is more helpful to allow you to search them than to withhold eight years of Motions while we categorize them and catch up to current.  
Las mociones de marzo de 2014 a abril de 2022 se agregaron recientemente, pero aún no se han categorizado. Creemos que es más útil permitirle buscarlas que retener ocho años de mociones mientras las categorizamos y nos ponemos al día.
The Spanish translation will be produced as soon as we have caught up and categorized the Motions.
La traducción al español se producirá tan pronto como nos hayamos puesto al día y categorizado las mociones.
Suggestions may be sent to  Once the Secretaries, Archives Committee and Archivist have straightened out our Job Descriptions, we will revise this page.  
Las sugerencias pueden enviarse a Una vez que los Secretarios, el Comité de Archivos y el Archivero hayan aclarado nuestras Descripciones de Trabajo, revisaremos esta página.